To connect a charging station to the platform, the charging station should have the right back office URL installed into the charging station. Via this back office URL, the charging station will connect with the platform once it’s activated and connected to internet. The back office URL might differ slightly depending on the brand, but in general this is: ws://
Once the charging station is installed with the back office URL and brought online, it should appear in the “Charging Stations” menu.
Click on the specific charging station, recognizable by the serial number or OCPP ID (in blue).
There is a notification message at the top of the page saying that the device still needs further configuration. Click on “Auto Configuration”.
3. The configuration of the charging station will now be adjusted according to platform’s requirements. When all configuration components have a green checkmark, the configuration is completed. However, it might happen that some components give a failure message. In this case, click on “Fix All”. Now all failed components are configured again.
4. When all components have a green checkmark, click on “Reset Device”, so the charging station will do a reset with the right configuration.
5. Now click on “Configure Connectors” to configure the connectors as can be seen in the notification message.
6. Fill in the fields:
EVSE ID: This is automatically filled in by the “Autopick” function of the platform. Meaning that it automatically picks an EVSE ID from the available EVSE IDs for autopick.
This is only possible when EVSE IDs for autopick are generated. Instructions can be found at page 18 “How to create EVSE IDs for autopick”
Connector EVSE ID:
Connector ID: Select the connector 1 or 2 depending on the total number of sockets.
Connector Type / Standard: Select the connector type. For the majority of charging stations, type 2 is used.
Format: Select whether the charging station has a socket or a fixed cable attached to the charging station.
Power Type: Select whether it’s a AC or DC charger and 1-phase or 3-phase.
Max Voltage: Fill in the maximum voltage set in the charging station.
Max Amperage: Fill in the maximum amperage set in the charging station.
7. Press “Save” and the charging station is now ready to be activated by the customer. It’s also possible to do this for a customer. In that case click on “Open Settings”.
8. Select a “Billing Plan” that needs to be connected to this charging station. The account owner will pay for this billing plan.
9. Select the “Account” of the charging station.
10. Select a specific “Location” of the charging station.
11. Optionally, a field service technician can be filled in at “Field Service Account”. Users of this account with the role of “Field Service Technician” can see this charger in their own account and access the technical settings of the charger.
12. It is not required to fill in the other fields to register the charging station, but optionally the following checkmarks can be set:
Allow charging from other networks (roaming)
Checking the box means that the charging station will be accessible by all charge cards that have a roaming agreement with E-Flux. The filled in energy tariffs will be applied. Revenue generated by these sessions will be included on the reimbursement invoice.
Allow any card to charge here for free (ignores all cost settings)
Checking the box means that all charge cards will be able to charge for free at the charging station. These sessions will not be included on the reimbursement invoice.
Disable this charge point (no charging, no billing)
The charging station will be disabled. The billing will stop and it is no longer possible to charge at this charging station.
13. It is optional to fill in an energy tariff, which will be charged when other charge cards want to charge at this charging station:
Price per kWh: price per kWh charged (excl. VAT)
Price per session: price per session (excl. VAT)
Price per hour: price per hour of charging (excl. VAT)
14. An access group can be linked to the charging station, meaning that the users or charge cards connected to this access group can charge for free or a reduced tariff.