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How can I update firmware on a charging station?
How can I update firmware on a charging station?

Updating your firmware

Sjoerd Kortekaas avatar
Written by Sjoerd Kortekaas
Updated over 6 months ago

1. Click on “Charging Stations” and search for the specific charging station.

2. Click on the OCPP ID in blue and scroll down to the “Boot Info” table to check the “Firmware Version”. Contact the manufacturer of the charging station to check whether this firmware version is up to date.

3. Click on the “Diagnostics” tab and click on “Update Firmware”.

4. Select the specific firmware file and the file gets uploaded in the platform and then updates the charging station.

5. If you want to know the status of the update go to the “Commands” tab and search for “FirmwareStatusNotification”. There are 6 types of notifications:

  • Downloading: The charging station is downloading the firmware

  • Downloaded: The firmware is downloaded

  • DownloadFailed: The download of the firmware has failed. Contact the manufacturer or upgrade the firmware on sight.

  • Installing: The firmware is being installed.

  • Installed: The firmware is installed on the charging station.

The whole process can take up a while but in the end it will show “Last firmware binary uploaded a few seconds ago”.

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