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How to invite users?

All you need to know about inviting users

Sjoerd Kortekaas avatar
Written by Sjoerd Kortekaas
Updated over a month ago

Inviting your users

Your customer is able to add users to their account by simply inviting them. The invite flow is available for users with the role account admin.


  1. Login as an account admin to the account

  2. Here you see an overview of users and the button “invite user”

  3. Fill in the required fields

For account role, you have the option to choose between two roles

  1. Account admin: This user will get the same rights as you, adding locations and inviting users and manage the account.

  2. Billing admin: This user will be able to edit account billing details and get insight in invoices.

  • Now, the user will receive an invite and goes through the sign-up flow

  • The user will be added to the account with the assigned role

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