Billing plans are used to create an invoice for the service you are selling. You can setup billing plans for cards and billing plans for charge stations. Based on the price that you set the invoice will calculate the total amount the customer has to pay.
Instructions for charge card plans
Go to Finance in the menu;
Go to Billing plans in the sub-menu;
Create new billing plan;
Select type ‘Consumer card';
Select billing period month (year is not operative);
Enter the prices:
Per period: this is the amount excl. vat that will be billed for the period e.g. €5 is per month
Per card: a one time fee that will be billed on the first invoice (related to shipping costs)
Per session: this fee will be billed per charge session. The total amount is based on the total charge sessions of that period multiplied with the set price per session.
Select options:
Is visible to all users: the billing plan will be visible when the customer is adding a new charge card
Make this billing plan appear on signup: the billing plan is visible in the signup flow
Display priority: you can determine which billing plan needs to appear first in the drop down
Details per language: NL / EN / FR / DE
Name: This name is visible in the customer dashboard and mobile app
Description long: visible during signup or when requesting an extra card
Features: Add features that will appear during signup or when requesting an extra card
Billing plan url: if you want to re-direct from a webpage to this dedicated billing plan you can use the unique url.